Women’s Leadership: How Can We Be Beacons of Light?

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Women’s Leadership: How Can We Be Beacons of Light?

The world right now feels like a dark place. One only needs to scan the headlines.

Sadly – and this is not a negative statement about ALL men – many of the dark corners of the world do seem to be led by men.

As women leaders, how do we counter that? How do we become beacons of light? How do we work with our male colleagues to create balance and peace?

The first step is desire. Do you want to be a beacon of light? Do you want to be in service to the world? Are you committed to it? Yes, of course, you are!

The second step is to get and stay in balance ourselves, turn off what Positive Intelligence® calls our Saboteurs. The Saboteurs live in the survival part of our brain, where we react with negative thoughts and feelings to the darkness.

Turning off the Saboteurs starts with self-care. Meditation and mindfulness. Staying calm and focused. Limiting our engagement with the news and headlines that are designed to invoke fear. Yoga. Exercise. Anything we need to tame our own stress and anxiety.

The third step is to be aware of Saboteur contagion. The mirror neurons I talked about in a previous article. (Read it here.) Know that when other people are in Survival Mode, they are likely to drag you there too. Be prepared!

Next, get support! We can’t do this alone. Whether it’s your partner, best friend, accountability group, or coach, having others to support you and hold you accountable is vital. I’ve recently reconnected with my PQ accountability group and it’s making a big difference for me!

The fifth step is to watch your language! Don’t participate in negative talk like complaining, bashing others, and spreading fear. This includes how you talk to yourself! We don’t do this intentionally, but it’s so easy to fall into negative talk. I’ve noticed in the last few years just how much we bond socially with others through complaining, but there are more pleasant, joyful, and light-filled ways to bond.

The great thing is that you can do all of this without confronting anyone, without challenging anyone, and without making anyone wrong.

You just be the light.

You simply stay in a positive place.

You don’t allow the darkness to engulf you.

By your actions and words, you become the beacon.

And the more women (and men) that do this, the more light we’ll have to outshine the darkness.

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