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I am a coach, author, speaker and founder of DARING TO TRANSCEND™: a relentless advocate for successful career women globally.
I know first-hand that success is not one-dimensional. It’s not just about the corner office, the boardroom position or that next accolade. It’s about unlocking their true potential. Breaking free from the confines of convention. Taking a giant leap of faith and finally putting the focus squarely on themselves.
I am inviting successful corporate women to redefine success on their terms, to create a life that aligns with their most authentic self and unearth their deeper purpose; while still enjoying their well-earned abundance.
I created the proprietary methodology: “Daring to Transcend™” to partner with leaders who are ready to EXPLORE what matters, INTEGRATE their whole self, and FLOURISH despite – or even because of – the challenges of the external environment.
Let’s embark on your path to holistic success, shoulder to shoulder.
Karen is an international best-selling author several times over as a novelist and contributor to important non-fiction anthologies. Her novels, Discovering Power and Pursuing Truth (Books 1 and 2 of the Ascending Ladders Series) follow a female corporate executive as she explores the complexity of a successful woman’s life and career. She also contributed chapters in Ennobling Business for Success: Inspire*Ignite*Influence, Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most; and The X-Factor: The Spiritual Secrets Behind Successful Executives & Entrepreneurs.
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