IMPOSTER SYNDROME: a psychological condition that is characterized by persistent doubt concerning one’s abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one’s ongoing success.
As women of the 21st Century, we’d like to think that we’ve overcome it, but unfortunately, it continues to be all too real. I see it frequently in my clients and the many women leaders that I talk to.
It’s kind of crazy because all these women have accomplished amazing things. They just don’t give themselves credit. They tend to either dismiss the achievements as unimportant or downplay what they mean.
So, I have to ask.
Do you truly acknowledge all you have accomplished? Do you really recognize everything that you’ve done and all that you’re capable of doing?
When’s the last time you sat down and really thought about all that you’ve done – the big things, the little things, the things that no one noticed, the things that everyone celebrated? Personally and professionally?
I hope it was today. Or yesterday. Or at least in the last year.
Because sometimes, it’s good to remind ourselves.
Not to boost our ego or make us feel self-important – which is sadly how many women react to this kind of exercise.
It’s to boost our confidence. It’s to remind us of who we are and what we’re capable of doing – especially when we’re feeling unsure of ourselves.
And, as I reminded a couple of clients recently, don’t be afraid to think like a guy.
I know you are aware of the studies that found that most guys have no trouble acknowledging their accomplishments and rarely underestimate what they can do. In fact, we’ve learned that they are more likely to overstate their abilities rather than understate them.
Of course, the same studies have shown that women are more likely to understate.
The reality is that you are not doing yourself – OR ANYONE ELSE – any favors by understating what you have done or could do.
The reality is that you, your family, your organization, and maybe even the world, need you to show up and do all the things that you are truly capable of doing.
That’s how you make a bigger impact. That’s how you live your purpose. That’s how you say “yes” to a life fully lived.
You’re actually serving those around you much more effectively if you’re not underestimating what you can contribute or accomplish.
So, go ahead! Dust off that resume and take the time to add all the new things that you’ve accomplished. Not to look for another job. Not for a recruiter.
For you!
To truly acknowledge all you have accomplished so that you know just how far you can go in the future. Or now.
And, please, let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear!
PS – If you want a little support with this exercise, along with a blueprint on how to build your future, I have a new six-week program: The Clarity Intensive that will help you create a vision that doesn’t underestimate what you can do. Contact me for more information!